Our Classes
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Unlock Your Potential for Lasting Inner Peace
Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center
"Everyone, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist, needs permanent liberation from suffering, and pure and everlasting happiness.”
from the book Modern Buddhism by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Live-Streaming Update:
All Classes, Events, & Prayers will be IN-PERSON ONLY beginning September 1
Buddhist Insights
that Change Everything
a Sunday Morning Meditation Class series
Everyone Welcome!
10 - 11:15 am
$15 per class
Feeling Young & Being Happy
A Drop-in Class Series
In-Person, Livestream, and On-Demand
Mondays, 7 – 8:15pm
$15 per person
Included in all membership levels
on-demand playback available for 72 hours after the live class
Simply Meditate
Weekly Guided Meditations on a Drop-in Basis
with senior meditation teacher, Steve Tuscher
In-Person Only
Thursdays, 6 – 6:45pm
Included in all membership levels
Prayers for World Peace
with Chris Taylor
Familiarize your mind with the experience of inner peace
through meditation and cultivate your potential for lasting happiness.
Sundays 9 – 9:45 am
Class fee is by donation
Register now
Explore Our Classes
: : Premier Class : :
Monday Night Class
with Gen Kelsang Tenzin
Learn practical methods for improving the quality of your life.
Current Series:
Feeling Young & Being Happy
Mondays 7 – 8:15pm
$15 per person
included in all membership levels
Foundation Program
with Gen Kelsang Tenzin
An in-depth study program on the book Joyful Path of Good Fortune by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Tuesdays 7 – 9pm
$80 per student, per month
Learn about memberships
To sign up, please get in touch
Meditations for World Peace
with Chris Taylor
Help create a more peaceful world by learning to increase your love, wisdom, and compassion.
Sundays 10:30 – 11:45am
$15 per person
included in all membership levels
What is Kadampa Buddhism?
Modern Kadampa Buddhism is a special, systematic presentation of Buddha’s teachings particularly suited for contemporary society. This presentation preserves the meaning and intention of Buddha’s original teachings while making them clear and practical in a way that anyone can easily understand and put into practice.
Mahakaruna Kadampa Buddhist Center is one of over 1200 Kadampa centers and branches now established throughout the world. We offer in-person and online meditation classes for all levels of interest and experience.